Saturday, August 15, 2009

Back to Perlis

After a short and insufficient holiday( included chicken pox recovery period), i am forced to go back to Perlis, the smallest state. haiz, leaving you all is such an unhappy thing. Luckily i brought laptop to here,otherwise i will be very boring. haha.reminding back, simple activities like playing badminton,shopping, having lunch,chat-chating and visiting really leave a aeet memories in my mind.being greed, i hope i can meet you everyday like before. What a wondrous moment... Although it is impossible, every year we can as friend as before is satisfying already. i am always aiting the Raya coming, so that i can go back. when thinking about this,i feel extremely blissful.


H1N1 is attacking, we are in awar, beware of this, you can choose to fight against it or stay in home. dont get this disease if possible...This message is from Ministry of Health. thank you

Demostration of wearing mask

haha,my friend take care lo.hoho. see you next time my lovely friends......

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

黑 暗 的 背 后

黑 暗 的 背 后 是 什 么 呢 ??

我 常 常 问 我 自 己 .....

也 许 你 会 说 是 光 明 .....

可 是 你 真 的 确 定 雨 过 天 晴 后 会 有 彩 虹 吗 ?

人 嘛 ...

就 只 是 活 在 自 己 认 知 的 思 想 里 ....

一 开 始 就 为 自 己 架 设 好 一 个 又 一 个 的 框 框 ....

然 后 绕 着 框 的 边 缘 四 方 形四 方 形 的 前 进 ...
这 个 框 走 完 后 .....

朝 下 一 个 前 进 ...
其 实 我 们 都 很 渺 小 ....

我 们 只 是 上 帝 的 一 颗 棋 子 ....
他 要 我 们 死 ...我 们 不 得 不 死 ...

他 可 以 轻 而 易 举 掠 夺 你 身 边 的 赘 爱 ....
而 你 能 做 什 么 ....?

渺 小 的 人 类 如 随 风 驻 留 的 灰 尘 ....

世 界 不 会 因 你 的 不 快 乐 而 停 留 一 秒 钟 ....

当 这 儿 在 哭 丧 考 妣 时 ...另 一 旮 旯 在 庆 祝 新 生 命 的 诞 生 ....

就 是 这 样 循 规 蹈 矩 ..千 篇 一 律 的 定 律 .....
一 次 又 一 次 .....燃 起 的 希 望 支 离 破 碎 .....

渐 渐 的 习 惯 了 自 己 习 惯 了 生 活 ...

习 惯 了 ....一 切 .....

Monday, August 3, 2009


I really don't know what to mind is blank...strong feeling that is overwhelming seems so hard to be settled down on a piece a paper than it appears to be..Last sunday is the happiest moment in my life..I ll start to recount that day and record it down right here before they vanish from my memory..I have got to admit that friends are hard to find but it's not really that hard either..what matters is that whether they are true friends...We are now getting into the deeper part,are we?hahaha...
I can only say that I am elated to see all my high school friends that haven even met in quite some time..They hardly change in any way,to my comfort and gratitude..We chat about a lot of things,from school to life and our future heading...
It was an experience worth blogging but unfortunately I don't have much time to write everything..That's all for now and see ya...

Saturday, August 1, 2009







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