Sunday, December 27, 2009

The December...

Haha... me again... really like to write sth here... This month is meaningful and special because both my birthday and Christmas are in this month...

Firstly, 22 dec, my birthday... I thought i will no going to have any activities to celebrate my birthday. Somebody might forget it. In addition, I am in Perlis. on that night, after Shi Jing called me, I intended to go to toilet before sleeping. Who knows, when I opened my door, my friends sang "Happy birthday to you...happy...." loudly tome. What a surprise, i was astonished by them. Luckily I didn't scream as if i see a ghost... haha. There were no cake, no gift and no candles, but they made a mountain of Ferrerro Rocher for me. Woa, 差点就想广告那样。哈哈,夸张一点。

A wonderful surprise from them.and unexpected. that day i receive quite a number of blessing and smsas well as facebook message...haha... not bad.. and also got one friend 拉二胡的生日快乐歌for me... haha... memorable birthday...


I followed my friend to Church for the celebration. It was really an excellent experience. 24 dec,christmas eve, we went to some places for caroling... Singing "we wish you a merry christmas", I ate a lot because every house we visited prepared some food for the carolers. haha... Oops my caroling pictures are missing already...haiz...

never mind. on 25 dec night, I went to church for the celebration.

The event started with singing hymn... to praise the God... There were a lot non-christian too... dont know whether they sang or not>.<

And then is preaching got professor Heng from England to share the origin of Christmas... He emphasised frequently that christmas exists because of birth of Jesus Christ. Actually Santa Claus is not the main character on that day o... OIC ...And Jesus who is the son of God died on the cross for the sake of us , as he sacrified himself to save all of us from the sins...same as Shi Jing says... Then he revived... miracle...

Following that was singing performance from some church members... Merry christmas merry christmas... of course in order to make the atmostphere more 热闹, there got santa to give some presents to the audience... Haha... I got the present too... actually only some junk food and sweets lo...

That is the christmas la in kangar Perlis... quite special and memorable... Luckily i can go out, otherwise i will have to stay in dorm study unceasingly... haha...
A brand new year is coming soon.A fresh new start for all of us... Gambateh strive in 2010... see ya...miss u alllllll.....all the best... bye :)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

好 久 没 来 这 里 写 东 西 了 ....其 实 我 也 很 久 没 写 东 西 了 ....因 为 我 ....懒 惰 ...

哈 哈 ....我 承 认 ..不 过 我 知 道 你 们 一 定 想 念 我 的 文 字 了 ....(忘 了 通 知 你 们 ...我 的 第 6

感 向 来 都 出 错 ..) 哈 哈 ...废 话 少 说 ....(其 实 刚 才 的 都 是 废 话 ..只 是 希 望 缓 和 气

氛 ..==)....

_________________分 割 ___________________________

那 段 回 忆 一 直 尘 封 在 脑 袋 的 某 一 个 角 落 ...

只 是 我 忘 记 了 适 当 时 回 忆 也 跟 棉 被 一 样 要 拿 出 来 给 太 阳 晒 晒 ..

于 是 它 一 直 沉 默 的 被 摆 在 那 里 ....

犹 如 古 式 失 去 发 声 功 能 的 钟 ....

我 知 道 ..我 们 都 没 有 忘 记 ...

只 是 你 们 跟 我 一 样 把 回 忆 放 在 脑 里 ...也 许 ..收 在 心 里 ...

我 们 的 思 想 还 是 传 承 了 中 国 的 保 守 与 略 为 客 气 的 接 待 任 何 人 ....

所 以 ...

纵 然 我 们 思 念 以 往 的 同 学 ...

我 们 才 不 能 勇 敢 的 说 声 ..我 想 你 ....

有 时 候 想 表 达 的 ...始 终 在 还 没 出 口 时 就 被 吞 了 回 去 ...

其 实 ....我 们 的 回 忆 ..我 们 都 忘 不 料 ....

曾 经 走 过 的 ...在 心 里 留 下 烙 印 的 就 是 --回 忆 ....

可 以 不 带 感 情 抹 杀 一 切 的 世 界 上 只 有 时 间 作 到 ...

因 为 我 们 是 人 类 ....所 以 我 们 不 得 没 有 回 忆 ..我 们 也 可 以 回 首 过 去 ...

你 还 看 得 见 吗 ??

那 年 艳 阳 不 客 气 的 打 在 一 个 个瘦 弱 的 身 躯 上 ....

我 们 挥 洒 的 汗 水 纷 纷 滴 落 在 那 不 大 不 小 的 草 场 上 ....

我 们 跑 ..我 们 跳 ..我 们 丢 ..不 管 你 愿 不 愿 意 ..喜 不 喜 欢 ...

你 还 是 硬 着 头 皮 的 作 了 ....

你 还 记 得 吗 ??

那 年 我 们 高 级 数 学 破 了 开 校 来 的 记 录 ....

第 一 次 的 考 试 竟 然 只 有 不 超 过 10人 及 格 ....

还 有 太 多 太 多 的 事 了 ....请 允 许 我 从 略 ....

我 们 笑 过 ..我 们 哭 过 ...

也 因 为 如 此 我 们 才 成 长 了 ......

与 我 的 朋 友 共 勉 之 .......

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How u celebrate Christmas???

To all my friends, how u celebrate Christmas this year?wif ur family?friends?or lover?If the 2012 become real, we only have two years can celebrate the, dun waste it...appreciate it n celebrate it!dun let u alone in this day...wanna asking, who wan celebrate wif me???haha!!!
Christmas tree in Ipoh parade...

Christmas is CoMinG :)

不要让我们的部落格涂上淡淡的悲伤呢 哈哈
很久没来亮身了我 ~\(≧▽≦)/~
搬去了宿舍,没得上网 :( 拜六礼拜回到家,也不是很想打部落格了。
你看莲姐,很勤劳打的说,却没有帮我们打! hmph hmph

阿莲,动手一下啦。趁假期 ~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦

我们四个'同居' 了几个月,大致上没有吵架,很相亲相爱 \(^o^)/~


人与人之间 其实很容易就可以做朋友 ~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦

但阿颖 今天吸取了一些教训

有时 太诚实也未必是好事
有时 心太软也未必是好事
有时 别只抱着做好事的心
但是 答应别人的事务必办到,除非你有可以谅解的理由




x x x x

一开始 我们都很抗拒
才开始晓得 我们认命吧! ~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦

x x x x

圣诞节 快到了
和朋友 家人 还是另一半?

You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa claus is comin' to town~~~

x’mas decoration @ wetex perade ~\(≧▽≦)/~

Tuesday, December 8, 2009




My Life in Institut Perguruan Kampus Ipoh...

七月十三号,我这人生中的另一个启程。。。踏进这间怡保师范学院,有点害怕,毕竟只有自己一个人来到这里。。。还好有乐淇大姐的帮忙,才能顺利进来。。。真的,那时的我,很犹豫,犹豫着我的人生就注定要踏进教育界吗?老师的生涯,在我的印象中,就是过这平凡的日子,毫无挑战,每天来回学校,面对同样的人。。。心中有很多不愿,不甘心。。。但家庭的状况,父母的指望,是我找不到理由去拒绝进入师范学院继续念书。。。忍痛的捨去最想要的奖学金和课程,一直装着若无其事,很积极的准备进入师范学院。。。刚踏进这里,觉得这里的空气很好,很舒服,只是设备和我之前想象中的差。。。算了,既然做了决定,就走下去。。。第一天报到,很期待自己的室友会是谁,会是什么样的人。。。等了很久,才见到一个瘦瘦的女生走进我的房。。。他就是颖玲。。。BATU PAHAT人。。。一看到同样都是柔佛人,心中踏实很多。。。可是。。。可能和她缘分尚浅吧。。。一个星期后她还是选择会马六甲读他想要的会计。。。很失望。。。惟有祝福她。。。没有室友的日子,很孤单,寂寞。。。还好,上天对我不薄,让我认识现在与我同班的佩恩,也是我现在的室友,槟城人。。。一个喝爱吃,爱玩,有点叛逆的女孩,但他真的很可爱。。。超爱这室友。。。我们两个有很多共同点,也很有默契。。。时常会同时说出同样的话。。。不过蛮可怜她的,时常给我诈,不然就被我泼冷水。。。哈哈。。。有点过意不去。。。


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Matric 1st sem is finished .....Is hurray or tearful

Haha,our matric first semester is over already. Reminding back my first day in matric, it is really embarrassing. Missing family and you all plus loneliness make my tear flowing down frequently. Fortunately, i could adapt the environment expeditiously. Friends, I possess few, but frankly speaking, I like you all more. The most popular question asked by my friends and family is, how is your life in matric,Perlis. Indeed, my life there is quite mundane and acceptable. Classes followed by ceaseless homework made my life there hectic. When I am free and lazy, I can utilise my dear computer to surf internet in my library. Furthermore, althought matriculation is full of Malays, perhaps this is not a bad fact. My crazy Malay friends in my class really leave a sweet and enjoyable memory to me. Then, how about chinese friends? Genius,clever and intelligent are adjective that can be used to describe them. Chit-chating with them is prime activity among us. That's all about them. They are my source of pressure. Really. Showing off, I got a friend who is come from Langkawi. Thus, I went to Langkawi last few month with him as his parents are tourism agents. We, a group of six, spent 4 days in there. It is a magnificent trip, but Redang island is my favourite. Redang island is more gorgeous and the sea there is really spectacular as well as attractive.

Then my life is relax until my first semester examination (PSPM). Struggling and striving for the exam, I put quite lot effort in it ( but still quite lazy as i were wasting my time to play DOTA ) . The exam really astonished me. This is the first time i blanked questions in my exam,at least 5-10 questions i didn't answer in math paper 2 and 2-3 questions in chemistry paper 2. Besides, I also cannot answer well in my physics paper 1. I wronged 10 plus questions in this paper. Depressing me, everyone said that the paper1 is very easy. I don't want to bother it anymore. 4.0 or 4 flat, is it possible for me to achieve it? Let bygones be bygones.

After MUET speaking test, thenI want travelling in KL with Shi Jing. Haha. I really vent utterly my frustation and sadness. 4 days trip ended and i come back to my blissful house. These days you, form 6 friends are taking final year exam. So is quite difficult to meet you all. luckily I am still manage to see your handsome and beautiful faces. I really appreciate our friendship compared to matric friends. So, I sincerely hope that you all can actively write something in this blog. Those who never write words in here,please share anything here :)

Left few days,I will continue my secong semester. Promising to study more diligentlyand harder, I will prepare and arm myself for all examinations. With God's helps and wisdom, I hope i can achieve what i desire. Can I attain my ambition? haha. Ultimately, let us gambateh and plus oil o. YES we can. We will fight,Fight,FIGHT.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nick Vujivic -No arms No legs No worries!! Live strong!!

Come on guys and gals!! Check out the following links'video...
U will get something!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's over!!!!

I am so glad that everything is over...All the frustration that accompanies the torturous PSPM has finally come to an end...I really have no idea why I would be so panic during this PSPM..It seems like it is widely accepted that matrics exam is a piece of cake ,but God knows it was so damned hard this time..I guessed it really had diluted my confidence ,however I am still optimistic about the outcome..There is nothing that Leong cannot do right?lolx...(P/S:This is not arrogant ,this is positive-thinking..TQ)
It comes as a relieve to know that Miss Hui Pei is still alive..just kidding..I have long lost contact with her..It is recently that she smsed me...I am so elated when a long -lost friend contacted me..Nevertheless,it is not at all a good news..I do not know what has happened during these few months and I think I am not that good at drawing a conclusion at all..So,i feel like I just gotta leave the thing as it is..Let nature takes its course and I believe that the truth will prevail...
The thing that I am going to do now is to enjoy myself and let my mind roams free like a wold horse..Hopefully this letting down of hair will enable me to get all the necessary rest that I have not had enough of it..That's all...Tq

Monday, October 19, 2009

For You all and I HEHE

All those who are sitting for Exams, Do Well!! ^^

Not forgetting all the Libras and Scorpios who will be celebrating theirs XX <-- ( substitute in your age xD) brithday. Happy Brithday!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Press the play and next button to enjoy the two songs

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dr.Tay's Showtime :)

Dr.Tay has had a nice show before leaving to Moscow.

一路顺风,buddy! :)

P.s. Captured by Hang Chung

Leaving on 21st Sept.

嗨 大家好!



smileeee =)

p/s: 照片是汉忠拍的,我只加了一些对话 xD okays bahx?

那天的farewell party




Saturday, September 12, 2009


saw the picture... 1st impression is... WAH!! SO BIG OO~~!!! + diff RM 1 from snack plate...
but get 2 BIG SHRIMP STIX~!!

give it a try... ^_^

the dishes come..


I was SHOCKED~~!!
i look at the dish... then look at the poster... then look back at the cashier... = ="
he smile at us and say...

"hehe... sedap punya..."

i was really damn frustrated that time... i feel being cheated!!!
but i cant scold them... because they have written

"Servings featured are for illustration purposes only."
which is smaller than bacteria that we need to use microscope to see it~~!!

Yeah... this is business tricks...

BUT doesnt that TOO MUCH different from the picture and the actual size ??

no matter what angle i look at the "SHRIMP STIX" there is no way it will be BIGGER than the CHICKEN >"<

LESSON from the STORY:-

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hari Raya Gathering

Venue : Sher yee's house

Time : havent decided

Date : havent decided

so.. guys do you want to have a party? or just a gathering for chit-chating? or BBQ? hahx..

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Back to Perlis

After a short and insufficient holiday( included chicken pox recovery period), i am forced to go back to Perlis, the smallest state. haiz, leaving you all is such an unhappy thing. Luckily i brought laptop to here,otherwise i will be very boring. haha.reminding back, simple activities like playing badminton,shopping, having lunch,chat-chating and visiting really leave a aeet memories in my mind.being greed, i hope i can meet you everyday like before. What a wondrous moment... Although it is impossible, every year we can as friend as before is satisfying already. i am always aiting the Raya coming, so that i can go back. when thinking about this,i feel extremely blissful.


H1N1 is attacking, we are in awar, beware of this, you can choose to fight against it or stay in home. dont get this disease if possible...This message is from Ministry of Health. thank you

Demostration of wearing mask

haha,my friend take care lo.hoho. see you next time my lovely friends......

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

黑 暗 的 背 后

黑 暗 的 背 后 是 什 么 呢 ??

我 常 常 问 我 自 己 .....

也 许 你 会 说 是 光 明 .....

可 是 你 真 的 确 定 雨 过 天 晴 后 会 有 彩 虹 吗 ?

人 嘛 ...

就 只 是 活 在 自 己 认 知 的 思 想 里 ....

一 开 始 就 为 自 己 架 设 好 一 个 又 一 个 的 框 框 ....

然 后 绕 着 框 的 边 缘 四 方 形四 方 形 的 前 进 ...
这 个 框 走 完 后 .....

朝 下 一 个 前 进 ...
其 实 我 们 都 很 渺 小 ....

我 们 只 是 上 帝 的 一 颗 棋 子 ....
他 要 我 们 死 ...我 们 不 得 不 死 ...

他 可 以 轻 而 易 举 掠 夺 你 身 边 的 赘 爱 ....
而 你 能 做 什 么 ....?

渺 小 的 人 类 如 随 风 驻 留 的 灰 尘 ....

世 界 不 会 因 你 的 不 快 乐 而 停 留 一 秒 钟 ....

当 这 儿 在 哭 丧 考 妣 时 ...另 一 旮 旯 在 庆 祝 新 生 命 的 诞 生 ....

就 是 这 样 循 规 蹈 矩 ..千 篇 一 律 的 定 律 .....
一 次 又 一 次 .....燃 起 的 希 望 支 离 破 碎 .....

渐 渐 的 习 惯 了 自 己 习 惯 了 生 活 ...

习 惯 了 ....一 切 .....

Monday, August 3, 2009


I really don't know what to mind is blank...strong feeling that is overwhelming seems so hard to be settled down on a piece a paper than it appears to be..Last sunday is the happiest moment in my life..I ll start to recount that day and record it down right here before they vanish from my memory..I have got to admit that friends are hard to find but it's not really that hard either..what matters is that whether they are true friends...We are now getting into the deeper part,are we?hahaha...
I can only say that I am elated to see all my high school friends that haven even met in quite some time..They hardly change in any way,to my comfort and gratitude..We chat about a lot of things,from school to life and our future heading...
It was an experience worth blogging but unfortunately I don't have much time to write everything..That's all for now and see ya...

Saturday, August 1, 2009







Saturday, July 25, 2009

Gathering at LLw and PeiEn 的 Hostel~



所以就没有去理他们 XD

凑热闹~~~ XD

三张而已 -.-"

Hc 先生 LOL

LLw 姐

最后Pei En + Xin Yi :)



Monday, July 20, 2009

My life in IPGM Ipoh...

第一次上来喷喷。。。刚过完ORIENTATION WEEK。。。这星期开始上课了!有点兴奋。这里的环境不错,很优美哦!学校后面有两座山。。。一座可以爬的,另一座摆美的。。。不过很壮观。。。人嘛,都还好咯!第一个的ROOMMATE与他缘分太浅,才在一起一星期就放弃师训了。。。好可惜。。。过后的室友今天才搬来,槟城来的。。。人蛮NICE的。。。一位很可爱的女生。。。和他在一起,我好像老了很多。。。虽然我们都同年。。。这里的生活,让我回想起我们中学的日子。。。好怀念。。。尤其是看到我班的班长,就会想念锌娱了。。。SHER YEE,近来好吗?很想念你们。。。欣胜,汉忠,诗敬,WINNY,YINGXIAN,JIESHENG,WEIJIE,BAoRong,PeiEn,KaiLi,XinYi,SheeYing,XieYao,ZhiWei,WEnYing...还有很多很多。。。

18/7/2009 :)



这三位 放假所以回来了 :P

所以我们约出去看电影了 哈哈

HarryPotter And The Half Blood Prince :)

我和静欣还去书店书哦 ~~

哈哈.. 被人说我们在玩sensor? =.="

静欣啦~~~ 哈哈哈

过后 我们又去Serom打羽毛球~~~


他们打而已啦 我去那边的公园 和静欣讲话 哈哈 xD






亿丰竟然beh tahan~~

什么跟什么 @@"


ok la~~ kidding :)

偷拍了一张 ~~

baibai lo~~

Serom 的 ahboy!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

今 天

好 累 的 一 天 .....今 天 YIFOHNG说 很 久 没 在 这 里 留 笔 了 ..真 是 气 死 我 了 ..我 明 明 好 蛮 勤 劳 的 ~哈 哈 哈 ..他 自 己 都 没 写 过 勒 ......

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------今 天 要 和 大 家 分 享 的 是 友 情 ..友 情 这 玩 意 儿 是 很 难 下 定 义 的 ...他它 存 在 在 每 个 人 的 身 上 但 只 是 看 你 如 何 去 看 待 它 ..它 可 以 是 男 生 之 间 的 称 兄 道 弟 ..也 可 以 是 女 生 之 前 的 情 同 姐 妹 ..更 可 以 是 男 女 之 前 的 红 颜 知 己 还 是 忘 年 之 交..这 我 们 统 统 可 以 称 之 为 友 情 ..我 们 5SC1的 友 情 到 底 可 不 可 靠 ?耐 不 耐 牢 ? 大 家 有 深 思 过 吗 ?若 干 年 后 ..再 路 上 偶 然 想 遇 ..会 否 行 同 陌 路 ?还 是 尴 尬 的 抬 起 手 ?还 是 如 电 视 剧 般 来 个 团 员 大 拥 抱 ?我 们 可 以 在 乎 自 己 ..也 就 要 在 乎 朋 友 ....朋 友 和 拜 师 一 样 ...交 上 了 ..就 是 一 辈 子 的 事 了 ....到 底 有 没 有 不 变 的 友 情 ?..友 情 永 固 只 是 一 张 无 法 兑 现 的 支 票 ?决 定 权 在 自 己 手 上 ..珍 惜 自 己 的 朋 友 吧 ..热 爱 5SC1..热 爱 朋 友 ..就 分 享 生 命 ...分 享 体 验 ...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Going Back

i am going back holiday finally comes.15july until 2August. iam excited and desire to talk as well as meet with all of you. although you all will be taking exam.hopefully you will not ignore me o.otherwise i will be extemely pity. actually all matrics will have holiday. thus shi ying and qi yao will go back too. hopefully we can gather and have a party like previous one. so memorable and unforgetable. next week i will have a exam.occupying 10 % in total mark,the exams includes physic, math, chemistry and english. haha. have to prepare starting now.
ok:) see you all during my holiday o. byebye,all my dearest friend.see ya

From: trapped-bird T.H.C

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

前两天 就是想要转中六文科班的理科生期待的日子。 =)


Pang Im
Sih Ting



他们有点像去私立中六 St. Theresa
可是 大家都说私立中六生会比较辛苦




文科也好 理科也好


不到终点 不放弃
到了终点 不后悔 : )

Friday, June 26, 2009

生 命 的 感 悟

又 到 周 末 了 ...难 得 心 血 来 潮 就 来 这 小 小 天 地 留 下 足 迹 吧 ..今 天 刚 得 悉 一 代 巨 星 -michael jackson的 陨 落 ...难 免 惋 惜 ..也 感 叹 生 命 的 变 化 无 常 ...人 就 是 这 样 ...时 间 到 了 ...挥 挥 衣 袖 ...不 管 是 否 还 留 恋 人 世 间 万 物 ...不 管 还 眷 恋 什 么 情 感 ....终 究 ..还 是 要 离 开 ...生 命 真 的 好 脆 弱 噢 ...以 前 不 那 么 觉 得 ...年 龄 渐 有 了 ..就 开 始 感 悟 到 能 活 着 的 每 一 天 都 是 恩 赐 ....庆 幸 自 己 有 力 气 睁 开 眼 睛 迎 接 和 煦 的 阳 光 呼 吸 被 污 染 的 空 气 ....其 实 ...我 很 怕 ..怕 哪 一 天 我 年 迈 了 ...身 体 健 康 欠 佳 了 ...想 走 动 时 却 发 现 双 腿 已 不 停 使 唤 ...想 吃 东 西 ..却 发 现 ..嘴 角 已 抖 动 着 ...食 物 到 了 嘴 边 却 难 以 入 咽 ...到 最 后 ....连 睁 开 眼 睛 都 无 能 为 力 了 ...随 伴 而 来 的 是 一 遍 又 一 遍 的 黑 暗 ...就 脱 离 了 正 常 轨 道 ..开 始 了 任 何 书 上 都 没 有 详 细 记 载 的 生 活 ..也 许 在 地 狱 也 许 在 天 堂 ...没 有 人 知 ......一 段 生 命 划 到 句 点 时 ..我 们 应 该 是 什 么 感 受 ?..也 许 那 时 想 像 现 在 这 样 记 录 这 感 觉 也 是 奢 侈 ...年 轻 真 好 ...有 勇 气 ..敢 拼 搏 ...想 作 什 么 就 去 做 吧 ....人 生 短 短 的 几 十 年 ....何 必 烦 恼 呢 ?..人 一 出 世 时 ..也 不 是 干 干 净 净 ...不 带 情 绪 的 吗 ?...

*最 近 爱 上 江 蕙 略 带 哀 怨 的 嗓 音 ...给 独 在 异 乡 的 朋 友 ....<落 雨 声 >作 词 :方 文 山 ..作 曲 :周 杰 伦 ....这 是 首 台 语 歌..我 想 你 们 应 该 不 是 很 明 白 ...歌 词 大 意 是 孩 子 长 大 了 离 妈 妈 远 去 ....留 下 妈 妈 在 家 乡 ...孩 子 出 外 艰 苦 奋 斗 ....成 功 后 想 接 妈 妈 同 住 ..可 是 妈 妈 已 不 在 ....会 听 到 哭 噢 ..这 首 歌 ..星 光 3班 很 多 人 唱 过 了 ...


落雨聲 江蕙

落雨聲 哪親像一條歌
誰知影 阮越頭嘸敢聽
異鄉的我 一個人起畏寒
寂寞的雨聲 捶阮心肝
人孤單 像斷翅的鳥隻
飛袂行 咁講是阮的命
故鄉的山 永遠攏站置遐
來到故鄉的海岸 景色猶原攏總無變化
當初離開是為啥 你若問阮阮心肝來疼
你若欲友孝世大嘸免等好額 世間有阿母惜的囝仔尚好命
嘸通等成功欲來接阿母住 阿母啊 已經無置遐
你若欲友孝世大嘸免等好額 世間有阿母惜的囝仔尚好命
為著啥 家己嘸知影
你若欲友孝世大嘸免等好額 世間有阿母惜的囝仔尚好命
嘸通等成功欲來接阿母住阿母啊 已經無置遐
哭出聲 無人惜命命

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Life in Matric

haiz. Leaving you all is depressing as i am missing you all so much. For your information,reveiling my secret, my tear was like tapping water flowed without stop when i departed to Perlis. At that moment, I knew I surely will have minimal time to meet all of you. when Wei Jie and Ying Xian called me that day, i nearly become a deaf-mute person,fortunately i could abide and talked to them.haha,embarassing.
After I settle down in Matric, I slowly(within a week) accustome to the enviroment and life at here. I start to know some friends. Some are good and some are ok. Actually i have a better friend here who have similar character with me. luckily. But after all,i miss the days that we all can chat unceasingly. Here is full of tension,i discover that i am hard to compete with other(few). Their mind is much more better that me. I take physics and my friend is very in that subject.His logical thinking impress me and make me worry about my result. But after all, the pressure still cannot make me burst.haha.
Other sad thing is, I can only go back to my house four time(2weeks in one time) in this one year matric. So,I will appreciate and make full use of my coming holiday to accompany my family and meet as much friends as i can.
I cannot post the picture here because the computers here do not have bluetooth. So, after i go back,I will share the pictures here with you all lo.
hopefully you all can remember me.and good luck for you future. let us gambateh together lo.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

my classroom after painting and decoration...haha

the theme of our classroom is four season.please take a look ..haha
这是春天,板上有云,cute cute 的lady bird哦。。。静欣和他组的杰作。。。蛮不赖的。
啊颖,虽然不能与你同班了,但希望你能把你班的状况和我们分享。。还有在礼让perdana 班的同学。。即使大家不能在同班,但好想知道你们的状况。。

Monday, June 8, 2009



这是我们班(6 bawah bestari) class biology...看得出是谁吧。。。
嘻嘻。。。这时还没粉刷前,同班的没几个,没5s1这么好玩了,好想念5s1尤其是pn tew哦。。
最后加上pn tew写给我的一封信息(别失望!你们这一年碰到新政策算是不幸!但塞翁失马焉知非福!读两年中六肯定会辛苦,但两年的磨练你们会更成熟,到时去到大学比较能掌握学术,今天看到宝凯等男同学回校,几个月不见个个好像长大很多了,告诉同学们我想念你们!有事可来讯!)是不是有点感动哦。。。哈哈。


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Tagged Tagged

Hoong Hoong Tagged me~

1. Beside your lips, where is the favorite spot to get kissed?
Forehead? Perhaps

2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
It’s so hot. (Midday edy =x )

3. Who was the last person/people you took a picture with?
Hmm.. I cant remember..During my cousin's wedding? with cousins.

4. Would you consider yourself spoiled?
Spoiled? 50% XD

5. Will you donate blood?
I’ve never tried before, but I m willing to. =o

6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Yeah, so many =)

7. Do you want someone to be dead?
No. =.= what question la..

8. What does your last text message say?
Saying that there's nowhere I can get the lastest class name list.. since it is kept by counseling teacher.

9. What are you thinking right now?
How to answer this. =x

10. Do you want someone to be with you right now?
No. ‘cos I’m answering this tag -_- shhhh

11. What was the time you went to bed last night?
Last night? This morning la, almost 6am.

12. Where did you buy tee you are wearing right now?
I didn’t buy it…a dark blue Cotton-Club-Ferrari tee

13. Is someone on your mind right now?
Yeah, always.

14. Who was the last person who text you?
Wei jie looo

My turn to tag.. keke =)

1. Ace aka Zhi Wei
2. Adrian aka Xie Yao
3.Yi Fohng
4.Eric aka Wei Jie
5.Yan Sheve
6. Lian Wei
7.Jun Yan
8.Jing Xin
9.Yan Fen
10. Kee Ann

15. Who is No.2 having a relationship with?
I Don’t Know (hahax)

16. Is No.3 is male or female?

17. If No.7 and No.1 get together, would it be good?
Gay? They were best friend, though.

18. What is No.1 studying about?
JPA scholar (envy ~~~) In MMU – computer science >_<

19. When was the last time you chatted with them?
Themmm all? Not long ago looo
Form6 school reopen, I met most of them.. but within these 2 weeks.. the one face to face chatted with me was only Kee Ann

20. Is No.4 single?
Yes gua? Keke.. He didn’t tell me arrr

21. Say something about No.2.
No.2…A very smart yet 38 guy Hahax… at Pahang matriculation now~…>_<

22. What do you think No.3 and No.6 being together?
Non-stop quarrel =)

23. Describe No.9.
She has a twin sister~~ hardworking, looks fierce when she's not smiling XD

24. What will you do if No.6 and No.7 fight?
Grab my popcorn and eat~

25. Do you like No.8?
Yeah~ sure lo~

Monday, May 18, 2009



Sunday, April 5, 2009

Register my presence lolx+.=

Hello...everyone..My name is Leong (juz in case you guys do not have any idea who I am).It's been a very long time since we last all sat around in the class and had a nice chat.Time flies really fast and some of us manage to keep in touch despite the loose schedule0.o...opps..something is terribly wrong..hahax.However ,I have to admit that lots of us have not seen each other for a long span of time..blame the work and real-life scenario..lolx.Anyway,a couple of our DEAR friends have done an excellent job recording all our sweet and sour memories.It's a real comfort to realize that they are actually keeping track of all the eventful things(Is keeping track the right word to be used here..I doubt it..Anyone with more suitable word is more then welcomed to correct me..Hereby is my gratitude in advance..Alligator Gotaizmas :) )that happened in our secondary years.I am quite taken aback when I find out that those who don't usually stand out in writing skills in fact can write the very..err..touching posts..hehe.Perhaps it's something all of us share and experience it ourselves and so it's taken preciously.The journey of life has been a roller-coaster ride..There are all the ups and downs.However,when it hurts to look back and you are scared to look ahead,just look beside you and your best buddies will be there.
I wish all the former classmates of 5S1 of PEI HWA secondary school in Sungai MATI,Muar can cherish the 'quality' time we spent together and take it as a blessing that will be our very own supporting block in our future lives.Take care,all my friends!!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009



叙别回地点 XD

Cheese~ 先来拍照 :D

我们的Monitor~ 还有 Ahemmm... 哈哈哈 副班长 啦~
(Ops...我还是想放这张照片啦 >_< )

首先~ 谢谢你们弄的音响~

BBQ, 很辛苦吧? 哈哈..

帅哥排排坐 哈哈 XD

香槟美女~ ^^v



我们通宵玩的‘眨眼睛’ ^^





还有.... 第二天一大早,刚起床又开始了.......(太GENG了 -_-lll)

HAHA 看到吗? 我们班的赌后.. ^^v


Some random pics ^^v





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