Friday, June 26, 2009

生 命 的 感 悟

又 到 周 末 了 ...难 得 心 血 来 潮 就 来 这 小 小 天 地 留 下 足 迹 吧 ..今 天 刚 得 悉 一 代 巨 星 -michael jackson的 陨 落 ...难 免 惋 惜 ..也 感 叹 生 命 的 变 化 无 常 ...人 就 是 这 样 ...时 间 到 了 ...挥 挥 衣 袖 ...不 管 是 否 还 留 恋 人 世 间 万 物 ...不 管 还 眷 恋 什 么 情 感 ....终 究 ..还 是 要 离 开 ...生 命 真 的 好 脆 弱 噢 ...以 前 不 那 么 觉 得 ...年 龄 渐 有 了 ..就 开 始 感 悟 到 能 活 着 的 每 一 天 都 是 恩 赐 ....庆 幸 自 己 有 力 气 睁 开 眼 睛 迎 接 和 煦 的 阳 光 呼 吸 被 污 染 的 空 气 ....其 实 ...我 很 怕 ..怕 哪 一 天 我 年 迈 了 ...身 体 健 康 欠 佳 了 ...想 走 动 时 却 发 现 双 腿 已 不 停 使 唤 ...想 吃 东 西 ..却 发 现 ..嘴 角 已 抖 动 着 ...食 物 到 了 嘴 边 却 难 以 入 咽 ...到 最 后 ....连 睁 开 眼 睛 都 无 能 为 力 了 ...随 伴 而 来 的 是 一 遍 又 一 遍 的 黑 暗 ...就 脱 离 了 正 常 轨 道 ..开 始 了 任 何 书 上 都 没 有 详 细 记 载 的 生 活 ..也 许 在 地 狱 也 许 在 天 堂 ...没 有 人 知 ......一 段 生 命 划 到 句 点 时 ..我 们 应 该 是 什 么 感 受 ?..也 许 那 时 想 像 现 在 这 样 记 录 这 感 觉 也 是 奢 侈 ...年 轻 真 好 ...有 勇 气 ..敢 拼 搏 ...想 作 什 么 就 去 做 吧 ....人 生 短 短 的 几 十 年 ....何 必 烦 恼 呢 ?..人 一 出 世 时 ..也 不 是 干 干 净 净 ...不 带 情 绪 的 吗 ?...

*最 近 爱 上 江 蕙 略 带 哀 怨 的 嗓 音 ...给 独 在 异 乡 的 朋 友 ....<落 雨 声 >作 词 :方 文 山 ..作 曲 :周 杰 伦 ....这 是 首 台 语 歌..我 想 你 们 应 该 不 是 很 明 白 ...歌 词 大 意 是 孩 子 长 大 了 离 妈 妈 远 去 ....留 下 妈 妈 在 家 乡 ...孩 子 出 外 艰 苦 奋 斗 ....成 功 后 想 接 妈 妈 同 住 ..可 是 妈 妈 已 不 在 ....会 听 到 哭 噢 ..这 首 歌 ..星 光 3班 很 多 人 唱 过 了 ...


落雨聲 江蕙

落雨聲 哪親像一條歌
誰知影 阮越頭嘸敢聽
異鄉的我 一個人起畏寒
寂寞的雨聲 捶阮心肝
人孤單 像斷翅的鳥隻
飛袂行 咁講是阮的命
故鄉的山 永遠攏站置遐
來到故鄉的海岸 景色猶原攏總無變化
當初離開是為啥 你若問阮阮心肝來疼
你若欲友孝世大嘸免等好額 世間有阿母惜的囝仔尚好命
嘸通等成功欲來接阿母住 阿母啊 已經無置遐
你若欲友孝世大嘸免等好額 世間有阿母惜的囝仔尚好命
為著啥 家己嘸知影
你若欲友孝世大嘸免等好額 世間有阿母惜的囝仔尚好命
嘸通等成功欲來接阿母住阿母啊 已經無置遐
哭出聲 無人惜命命

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Life in Matric

haiz. Leaving you all is depressing as i am missing you all so much. For your information,reveiling my secret, my tear was like tapping water flowed without stop when i departed to Perlis. At that moment, I knew I surely will have minimal time to meet all of you. when Wei Jie and Ying Xian called me that day, i nearly become a deaf-mute person,fortunately i could abide and talked to them.haha,embarassing.
After I settle down in Matric, I slowly(within a week) accustome to the enviroment and life at here. I start to know some friends. Some are good and some are ok. Actually i have a better friend here who have similar character with me. luckily. But after all,i miss the days that we all can chat unceasingly. Here is full of tension,i discover that i am hard to compete with other(few). Their mind is much more better that me. I take physics and my friend is very in that subject.His logical thinking impress me and make me worry about my result. But after all, the pressure still cannot make me burst.haha.
Other sad thing is, I can only go back to my house four time(2weeks in one time) in this one year matric. So,I will appreciate and make full use of my coming holiday to accompany my family and meet as much friends as i can.
I cannot post the picture here because the computers here do not have bluetooth. So, after i go back,I will share the pictures here with you all lo.
hopefully you all can remember me.and good luck for you future. let us gambateh together lo.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

my classroom after painting and decoration...haha

the theme of our classroom is four season.please take a look ..haha
这是春天,板上有云,cute cute 的lady bird哦。。。静欣和他组的杰作。。。蛮不赖的。
啊颖,虽然不能与你同班了,但希望你能把你班的状况和我们分享。。还有在礼让perdana 班的同学。。即使大家不能在同班,但好想知道你们的状况。。

Monday, June 8, 2009



这是我们班(6 bawah bestari) class biology...看得出是谁吧。。。
嘻嘻。。。这时还没粉刷前,同班的没几个,没5s1这么好玩了,好想念5s1尤其是pn tew哦。。
最后加上pn tew写给我的一封信息(别失望!你们这一年碰到新政策算是不幸!但塞翁失马焉知非福!读两年中六肯定会辛苦,但两年的磨练你们会更成熟,到时去到大学比较能掌握学术,今天看到宝凯等男同学回校,几个月不见个个好像长大很多了,告诉同学们我想念你们!有事可来讯!)是不是有点感动哦。。。哈哈。


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Tagged Tagged

Hoong Hoong Tagged me~

1. Beside your lips, where is the favorite spot to get kissed?
Forehead? Perhaps

2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
It’s so hot. (Midday edy =x )

3. Who was the last person/people you took a picture with?
Hmm.. I cant remember..During my cousin's wedding? with cousins.

4. Would you consider yourself spoiled?
Spoiled? 50% XD

5. Will you donate blood?
I’ve never tried before, but I m willing to. =o

6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Yeah, so many =)

7. Do you want someone to be dead?
No. =.= what question la..

8. What does your last text message say?
Saying that there's nowhere I can get the lastest class name list.. since it is kept by counseling teacher.

9. What are you thinking right now?
How to answer this. =x

10. Do you want someone to be with you right now?
No. ‘cos I’m answering this tag -_- shhhh

11. What was the time you went to bed last night?
Last night? This morning la, almost 6am.

12. Where did you buy tee you are wearing right now?
I didn’t buy it…a dark blue Cotton-Club-Ferrari tee

13. Is someone on your mind right now?
Yeah, always.

14. Who was the last person who text you?
Wei jie looo

My turn to tag.. keke =)

1. Ace aka Zhi Wei
2. Adrian aka Xie Yao
3.Yi Fohng
4.Eric aka Wei Jie
5.Yan Sheve
6. Lian Wei
7.Jun Yan
8.Jing Xin
9.Yan Fen
10. Kee Ann

15. Who is No.2 having a relationship with?
I Don’t Know (hahax)

16. Is No.3 is male or female?

17. If No.7 and No.1 get together, would it be good?
Gay? They were best friend, though.

18. What is No.1 studying about?
JPA scholar (envy ~~~) In MMU – computer science >_<

19. When was the last time you chatted with them?
Themmm all? Not long ago looo
Form6 school reopen, I met most of them.. but within these 2 weeks.. the one face to face chatted with me was only Kee Ann

20. Is No.4 single?
Yes gua? Keke.. He didn’t tell me arrr

21. Say something about No.2.
No.2…A very smart yet 38 guy Hahax… at Pahang matriculation now~…>_<

22. What do you think No.3 and No.6 being together?
Non-stop quarrel =)

23. Describe No.9.
She has a twin sister~~ hardworking, looks fierce when she's not smiling XD

24. What will you do if No.6 and No.7 fight?
Grab my popcorn and eat~

25. Do you like No.8?
Yeah~ sure lo~
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